Want to make your own soda or maybe just bring a dull one back to life? Homemade sodas don't always live up to the store bought ones because they can taste flat by comparison. This quick and easy method makes super fizzy drinks with only four ingredients.
Because putting dry ice in a sealed bottle would effectively turn it into a bomb, you'll need to make a safety valve for the bottle.
What You'll Need
- Safety valve
- 1 cup white sugar
- 10 cups cold water
- 1/2 oz. flavoring (such as root beer extract)
- Dry ice
Attach the Safety Valve
First, drill a hole in the bottle cap and fit the safety valve into the hole.
Then, screw on the locknut to hold it into place.
It should look like this when you're done.
Mix the Soda
Mix the water, sugar, and flavoring. Pour them into the bottle and add a few chunks of dry ice.
Wait for Carbonation
Screw on the cap, wait about ten minutes for it to finish carbonating, and enjoy your homemade soda!
Head over to Rickety for Paul W's full explanation.
Dry ice photo by ShawnHenning
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