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One of the best things about Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy is how realistic he makes the caped crusader feel. Unlike the Joel Schumacher or even the Tim Burton versions, Nolan's world seems groun ...

Like theme music, I always feel that I need more fog in my life. Fog can be useful for many reasons—warding off smaller siblings from your bedroom, keeping curious hands out of your cupboard, and tric ...

I love making my own printed circuit boards. It really gives a professional look to a finished project, and having all the design files means I can whip up another batch whenever I need to. However, w ...

The best chemistry experiments are those you can perform with items already laying around your house. With only some sugar, salt substitute and an instant cold pack, you can make your very own gunpowd ...

Simple items from around your home can create an amazing effect. The Iodine Clock Reaction. ...

For some time I've been pondering new ways to improve the current methods of self defence that are available to us. Martial arts takes quite some time and pepper spray and tasers are children's toys f ...

There is something special about a secret knock. It gets you into secret super villain meetings and is a surefire way to test for rotating bookcase passages. Secret knocks usually work with an intimid ...

This is a easy tutorial of Pepper expansion.Hi I am dheeraj this is a mad science tutorial this is very easy I'll tell you more of experiments lets start .Before starting how does this work this actua ...