How To: Send Your Secret Spy Messages Wirelessly Through Light with This DIY Laser Audio Transmitter

Send Your Secret Spy Messages Wirelessly Through Light with This DIY Laser Audio Transmitter

Looking to transmit some super-secret audio communications to your other spy buddies? A laser is the perfect tool for getting your sounds heard from a small distance—without anyone intercepting them— even if it's just a cover of your favorite pop song.

A laser audio transmitter uses light rather than radio waves to transmit sound. This is a much more secure way to send audio communications because the laser is a focused beam of light, whereas radio waves are not controlled, so they can be picked up by anyone.

Treehouse Projects posted a tutorial on how to make a cheap, simple laser audio transmitter with only 5 parts.

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The transmitter is composed of a laser module, audio output transformer, power source, and photo resistor, plus a pair of headphones and some sort of audio source (like an MP3 player or computer) to listen to the transmission.

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You can watch the video below for step-by-step instructions and visit the project page for details and schematics.

For more fun with lasers with lasers, you can also make a laser communicator that shoots your voice across the room or connect your iPod to a laser to send a beam of music.

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its absolutely the real.........................!

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