Flying MatchSetup: Grab a matchbox and three matches. Stand the matchbox on its side. Sandwich a single matchstick between the insert and the cover. One on the left and one on the right. Between the t ...

Gathering MaterialsGathering materials for this project is a bit of a guessing when it comes to how many matches you will need. What you would definitely need would be: 1/4" in foam core - the foam co ...

Magical Coin Mysteriously AppearsSetup: Grab a matchbox and a small coin. Sandwich the coin between the insert and the cover. Performance: Push the insert on the side where the coin is located. The in ...

Remove the Coin Without Touching the Match on TopThe Setup : To set up the trick, grab a box of matches and remove two matches. Stand the match box on its side. Insert one match between the insert and ...

Gathering MaterialsThis is a fun experiment that you will want to do again and again, just to see how many different ways you can accomplish this experiment! Things you will need are the following: 1) ...

Chain ReactionIn this experiment we used lots of short ball chains and connected them all. *Note - if you don't have tons of ball chains, you can use Rigatoni pasta and pass a rope through them connec ...

Leak Magic BagGet your hands on as many pencils as possible, the more the merrier! Go ahead and sharpen all of them to a nice sharpened point. Then get a ziplock bag and fill it with water. This is wh ...

One or ManyGet your inflated balloon ready to pop! Place one thumbtack on the table. Will the balloon pop? Of course! Now place as many thumbtacks as possible on the table. Will the outcome be the sam ...

Are the kids bored? Need something for a school project? Want a great activity for a family night? In this tutorial I am going to show you how to make slime! This easy slime recipe only requires 3 bas ...

Kid friendly experiments using color to show different reactions! Using Different Temperatures to Have Water Mix and Not Mix!First add food coloring to visually see the water reactions. Fill each gla ...